A Giant has Fallen; Chinua Achebe (1930 – 2013)

image Chinua Achebe has passed away. May he rest in perfect peace.

Achebe has been part of the landscape of my life for as far back as my memories can reach. My mother is bereft and in shock. We are inconsolable. His passing brings to our minds and hearts all those literary fathers, mothers, and sisters who are no longer with us.

Achebe was a leading figure among a generation of Africans who created a space in which they and countless others, some unborn, could exist. That space frames my existence.  It’s where I’ve lived, where I’ve cried, where I’ve imagined, where I’ve laughed.  An expanding space that continues to give voice to our myriad African lives, our realities, our concerns and our hopes.

Achebe wrote for us.  He fought for us.  He fights for us.

It’s unimaginable and devastating that he’s gone.

It’s affirming and comforting that Achebe lives.

Chinua Achebe, damrifa due.  Nyame nfa wo nsie.


  1. Odupɔn kɛseɛ atu
    Ama Abibiman ne adasa resu
    Achebe woyɛ nhwɛsoɔ Ɔ
    Achebe woyɛ nimdeɛ
    Achebe woyɛ ɔbaatanpa na nso
    W’agya wo mma mpofiri mu
    Na nso wo ntiteɛ ne yɛn bɛ nanti
    Damirifa due
    Yɛ ma wo nanti yie


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