“my dreams, my works, must wait till after hell” by Gwendolyn Brooks

honey_jar_bread_800Image from Healthcastle.com

I’ve been wanting to read a poem all day.  I’m at work and it’s getting towards the end of the day.  It’s mid-week and I’m tired.  I looked into the Drafts menu of this WordPress blogging thing and viola! found this Gwendolyn Brooks poem.  Reading it makes me feel better and I hope that you like it too!

my dreams, my works must wait till after hell

I hold my honey and I store my bread
In little jars and cabinets of my will.
I label clearly, and each latch and lid
I bid, Be firm till I return from hell.
I am very hungry. I am incomplete.
And none can tell when I may dine again.
No man can give me any word but Wait,
The puny light. I keep eyes pointed in;
Hoping that, when the devil days of my hurt
Drag out to their last dregs and I resume
On such legs as are left me, in such heart
As I can manage, remember to go home,
My taste will not have turned insensitive
To honey and bread old purity could love.

– by Gwendolyn Brooks


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