Currently: I’m up too early

It’s 5:46am in Accra and I’m up too early for a Sunday,

Marveling at and reflecting on:  Akwaeke Emezi‘s article, Transitions, which I read for the third time last night.  The courage, the openness, the clarity. But also, the freedom and I appreciate it all.

 My surgeries were a bridge across realities, a spirit customizing its vessel to reflect its nature.

Since my ears sweet me, I find Akwaeke’s storytelling delicious and exquisite. It’s soooo good.  Akwaeke’s Who is Like God is the 2017 Commonwealth Short Story Prize’s winning entry for Africa.  Her debut novel, Freshwater, is out now.

Reading:  Koeleka Putuma’s Collective Amnesia and Lesley Nneka Arimah’s What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky.  Plus, re-reading Ayobami Adebayo’s Stay With Me.  Here’s my January selection to read from:

“Haven’t you read all of Saramago’s novels?” asked my mum when she saw me holding Cain. No, I responded with relish. I don’t think I’ll be amending my assessment of  José Saramago’s Best Five, though Cain was a fun read.

Craving:  waakye this morning, and that’s what I’ll have for breakfast.

Y’all enjoy your Sunday!


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